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16 Best Greasy Hair Hacks To Fix Oily Roots Fast

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The struggle of dealing with greasy hair is real, but with these greasy hair hacks you can cut down on wash days and reduce the greasy appearance of your hair quickly. 

I have struggled with oily roots for years now and it’s incredibly annoying. If I leave my hair to do its own thing, it gets oily very quickly and I need to wash it every one to two days to keep it looking oil-free. 

Personally I don’t want to wash my hair every day, because of the time needed to dry and style it afterwards. Plus, while daily washing seems like a solution to many people with naturally oily hair, it does more harm than it actually helps. Over-washing is believed to actually encourage the production of oil.

Let’s face it, none of us oily-haired gals and guys want that. 

Fortunately there are some tips, tricks and greasy hair hacks you can use to both prevent and treat greasy hair days so that just washed feeling lasts a little longer. 

Here are the most effective ways to deal with your greasy roots and fix oily hair. 

Use dry shampoo before your hair gets oily

This is a little-known hack which has been the biggest game changer for my oily hair. 

Before discovering this trick I thought dry shampoo was supposed to just be used once your hair already looked greasy. However, the easiest way to stop oily hair is to use dry shampoo immediately after washing your hair. 

After washing and drying my hair, I immediately spray lots of dry shampoo into the roots on all the areas where my hair gets oily. 

This means that the oil-absorbing ingredients in dry shampoo are already in your hair when your scalp starts producing oil, so they catch it immediately and make your hair look fresher for longer. 

This has seriously been the best thing I have done to prolong the look of just-washed hair. 

Use dry shampoo before bed

A can of dry shampoo is also your best friend at night. 

To avoid waking up with a greasy mess on your scalp in the morning, go back in with your dry shampoo on your roots before you lay down. 

Overnight, it will work to absorb oil on your scalp and stop that and sweat ruining your hair by morning. 

These two easy hacks have given me the best results and give me an extra day or two between washes. 

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Alternatives to using dry shampoo

If you don’t have a can of dry shampoo to hand, you can use other products to absorb oil. 

These are the best replacements for dry shampoo, and most of us have these products already. 

  • Baby powder
  • Cornstarch (mixed with cocoa powder if your hair is dark)
  • Arrowroot powder
  • Translucent setting powder
  • Apple cider vinegar (mix a few drops with water and spray through your roots)
  • Blotting papers

All these household items are excellent oily hair hacks when you don’t have dry shampoo. 

Don’t touch your hair

A huge source of oiliness in hair actually comes from your hands and fingertips, which produce natural oils as well. 

Constantly running your fingers through your hair or touching your scalp has a direct impact on the oil levels in your hair and will give you prematurely greasy locks before you know it. 

If you’re a hair toucher, it can be hard to just stop this habit. However it’s worth staying conscious of it and trying to stop touching your hair and scalp too often if your hair is already naturally oily. 

woman running hands through hair

Wash your hair less

Those of us with an oil bomb on our heads probably wash our hair more than we should. 

In the long term this actually has a detrimental effect. It strips the scalp of its natural oils which in turns make your skin produce more oil. 

As hard as it is, try not to wash your hair every day. I now wash mine around 3 times a week to try and keep oil production under control. The rest of the time I use these greasy hair hacks like dry shampoo twice a day to keep oiliness at bay as much as possible. 

Only wash the front section

If even a whole can of dry shampoo isn’t cutting it, but you don’t have time to wash the whole of your hair, an old trick is to just wash the front section. 

I used to do this a lot before school. It’s much quicker than washing and drying your whole head of hair and a great way to make your hair look freshly washed without the effort. 

You only need to wash the front and side sections of your hair. Simply section those off, and then pull the rest of your hair (the back and undersides) into a low pony. 

Over the sink or tub just wash the front and sides, then dry as normal. 

Your whole hair will look and feel freshly washed but it’s much quicker and easier, and no one need ever know your hair secret. 

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Use the right shampoo

The selection of products you use when washing your hair plays an important role too. Don’t make the mistake of using moisturizing shampoo if struggling with greasy hair.

Having been through endless shampoos while battling greasy hair, I’ve found the best shampoos for an oily scalp are very lightweight ones with scalp-balancing ingredients. 

Anything too heavy, with moisturizing ingredients that leave a fine film on your hair, will weigh your hair down and make it look oilier than it is. 

It can be trial and error to find a good shampoo that works for you. A good main ingredient to look for when finding a shampoo for greasy hair is green tea extract, lemon extract, tea tree, clay or rosemary oil, which all help to balance oil production without heaviness. 

Sulfate-free shampoos are a good choice because they won’t strip oils from the scalp which can cause increased oil production. 

gentle sulfate free shampoo

Only condition the ends

If your hair is on the oilier side then try to make sure that you don’t add conditioner to anything other than the ends of your hair. 

A simple rule that I follow is to only condition my hair from the nape of my neck downwards. 

This keeps heavy products away from the scalp, but makes sure any dry ends are moisturized. 

This simple hack has made a huge difference to how greasy my hair gets throughout the day. It’s also a good thing to do if you have fine hair because conditioner can also weigh your hair down at the roots, which will make oiliness look worse. 

Use lightweight hair products

Avoid adding additional oils or rich creams to already oily hair. 

Stick to a simple hair routine with minimal products, concentrating most of them on the ends of your hair. Go easy on silicone-heavy and oil-based hair products to keep your scalp free of anything that might make it look oilier. 

Clean your brushes

A surefire way to get oilier hair than normal is to use your hairbrush over and over without cleaning it of the oils it will pick up from your hair. 

Try to clean oils from your brushes on a regular basis to prevent constant transferring of your skin’s natural oil from your hair, to the brush and then back to your hair again. 

To clean your brush, use one of these tools to remove the hairs and then soak your brush for five minutes in the sink along with a clarifying shampoo. 

This will break down the oil and products on the brush which you can then scrub off and rinse away. 

woman with hairbrushes

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Wear a headband at the gym

A common problem us greasy-haired girls suffer from is flat and oily hair after working out. 

Of course, anyone who sweats a lot during a workout is going to get sweaty hair too, so a sweat-absorbing headband is one of the best ways to stop sweat ruining your hair. 

To help your hair stay oil-free during and after a workout, spritz a little dry shampoo into your roots and then wear a wicking headband which will draw sweat and moisture away from your hair and scalp. 

You’ll find your hair much less oily after the gym, which means your hairstyle stays fresh and you don’t have to wash your hair as often. 

This has the added bonus of stopping sweat running into your eyes too! 

Deep clean your hair once a week

Dry shampoo is a great invention, but using it a lot can still lead to build up on your scalp which can eventually increase oil production. 

Use a purifying shampoo once a week to remove product build-up and keep your scalp clean and clear. 

This will remove any products in your hair and on your scalp, as well as eliminate excess oil, and leave your head feeling fresh and clean. 

Doing this on a weekly basis only means you won’t dry out your hair or scalp with a strong shampoo. 

Wash your hair with lukewarm water

One of the causes of oily hair is overactive sebaceous glands, and a quick way to get these to produce even more oil is to wash your hair with hot water. 

Your best bet to reduce this possibility is to wash your hair in lukewarm or even cold water (if you can stand it). 

Cold water also doesn’t strip the natural oils from your scalp which will keep it balanced and not producing any more oil than normal. 

A good way to wash your hair is to shampoo and condition using lukewarm water, and then do a final rinse with cold water. This will also seal the hair cuticle, giving you shiny hair. 

Rinse with apple cider vinegar

This greasy hair hack is an oldie but a goodie. 

Apple cider vinegar, or ACV, is a wonder ingredient that has so many health benefits and uses. It’s a great addition to your hair care routine if you have an oily hair type too. 

  • ACV contains acids that help remove residue and buildup from hair products, hard water, and excess oils
  • It helps restore and balance the natural pH of the hair and scalp
  • The acetic acid in ACV acts as a natural conditioner by closing the hair cuticles and increasing shine
  • ACV rinses can help remove dandruff flakes and improve skin conditions like eczema on the scalp
  • It’s antimicrobial so the rinse may reduce fungal growth and treat fungal infections like folliculitis
  • ACV’s antifungal and antimicrobial properties may prevent infections that contribute to greasy hair

Keep some in the shower in a little spray bottle so you can easily spritz it over your hair when needed. 

braggs apple cider vinegar

Avoid hats

This is one of the greasy hair hacks that some people won’t want to hear, but not wearing hats is a really good way to prevent your head producing too much oil. 

Sunhats and woolly winter hats alike all increase greasiness as they trap natural oils underneath and increase sweating. 

Not to mention, hats make hair look flatter and, if it’s already prone to being greasy, then this will just make it look greasier. 

Obviously if you live in a climate when a hat is an essential then you just can’t avoid them, but it’s something to bear in mind. 

Adjust your diet

Prevention is often better than cure and when it comes to dealing with oily hair it’s a good idea to try to stop excess oil production, or at least slow it down, in the first place. 

While you can’t really do anything about some of the causes of greasy hair, like overactive oil glands or even external factors like humidity, you can make some small changes that really add up. 

Diet changes can really help to make a difference in the amount of oiliness as well by avoiding certain types of foods. 

Here are some foods it may be beneficial to avoid or limit if prone to oily hair:

  • Fried and fatty foods – Can stimulate oil production
  • Sugar and refined carbs – Rapid spikes in blood sugar can trigger oil gland activity
  • Alcohol – Can disrupt hormone balance leading to increased sebum production
  • Caffeine – Has a dehydrating effect which may boost sebum production
  • Milk and dairy – The hormones may exacerbate oiliness
  • Salt – May contribute to dehydration and overactive oil glands
  • Processed foods – Can contain oils, sodium, and sugar that worsen oiliness

Focusing on a balanced diet of unprocessed whole foods, lean proteins, complex carbs, and hydration can help minimize oil production for less greasy locks.

What causes oily hair? 

There are numerous causes of greasy or oily hair, some of which you can control and some of which you can’t. 

Here are some of the main causes that can contribute to greasy, oily hair:

  • Overactive sebaceous glands, which is often hereditary
  • Hormonal imbalances from changes related to puberty, pregnancy, or menopause
  • Too much hair washing
  • Heat and humidity
  • Thick, dense hair (more hair follicles and surface area on strands lead to increased oil distribution)
  • Product buildup
  • Scalp conditions like seborrheic dermatitis are associated with over-oiling
  • High sugar, dairy, and alcohol intake may impact hormones that regulate oil production
  • Stress-related hormonal shifts may overstimulate oil glands and increase greasiness

The most common cause is overactive sebaceous glands, sometimes made worse by environmental factors and personal habits.

While we can’t control all of these, the good news is that with these greasy hair hacks you can have more good hair days than bad. 

Avoid over-washing, use gentle products like coloured hair shampoo with an optimal pH, rinse with apple cider vinegar, and avoid certain foods.

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Frequently asked questions

How to get rid of greasy hair without dry shampoo or baby powder? 

If you need to step out with greasy hair and don’t have any dry shampoo or baby powder to hand, try adding some cornstarch, arrowroot powder or translucent face powder to your roots. These will absorb excess oil and make your hair look fresher instantly.  

What helps with greasy hair without washing?

If you don’t have time to wash your greasy hair, spritz some dry shampoo into the roots. You can also use an absorbent product like baby powder on the scalp to reduce oiliness. You can also try hiding the root area by wearing a headband. 

Does hand sanitizer help greasy hair?

Hand sanitizer does work to dry out oily hair because it has a high alcohol content. You can use this in a pinch to help with greasy hair but it’s not recommended because it will dry out both your scalp and your hair, which can lead to increased oil production. 

What can I do for greasy hair fast?

There are lots of different methods you can use to fix greasy hair fast. For example, dry shampoo, baby powder, face powder, cornstarch mixed with cocoa powder and apple cider vinegar will all instantly make oily roots look fresher. 

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Melissa Jane Lee

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